Abbey CC — F&E — Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of furniture and equipment at Abbey CC

Kilkenny and Carlow ETB

Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board are tendering for suppliers for
supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of furniture and equipment for
extension at Abbey Community College, Ferrybank, Waterford. See attached
documents for details. This project is subject to the availability of funding. Kilkenny
and Carlow ETB is subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.
If a candidate considers that any of the information supplied in response to this
notice is either commercially sensitive or confidential, this should be highlighted
and the reasons for its sensitivity given. The relevant material will, in response to
a request under the Act, be examined in the light of exemptions provided for in the
Act. The deadline for submitting a response is Monday 25th April at 12 noon. This
deadline is strict and no tender shall be accepted after this time. All submissions
must be returned by hard copy only, marked Private and Confidential, Furniture
and Equipment Tender, Abbey Community College. All queries should be
submitted via the e-Tenders website only. On appointment, the supplier should
contact the School Principal to schedule delivery dates. Please note supplier will
be responsible for removal and disposal of all packaging off-site. All furniture and
equipment should be delivered to rooms as instructed.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-04-25. The procurement was published on 2016-03-14.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2016-03-14 Contract notice
2016-07-15 Contract award notice
2016-07-20 Contract award notice