Works Contractor and PSCS for new build St. Laurence Oโ€˜Toole Special School, 15-16 Emerald Street and 42-43 Seville Place, Dublin 1

Sean Harrington Architects

The site for the proposal consists of noโ€™s 42 and 43 Seville Place and noโ€™s 15-16 Emerald Street. These are all in a significant state of decay and are not habitable.
Recently, Dublin City Council listed these buildings as dangerous structures, and as a result no. 15 Emerald Street was part-demolished and hoarded off. The proposed new use for the site is a Special School. This is an educational establishment to educate and care for children with behavioural difficulties. The principles of the composition of the new building are as follows:
โ€” To demolish all the delapidated buildings on the site and replace with a new building.
โ€” The new building should maintain a similar streetscape to both Seville Place and Emerald Street.
โ€” Be a suitable continuation of the form and scale of No's 40 and 41 Seville Place, to re-complete this short terrace.
โ€” Be a suitable continuation of the form and scale of Emerald Street existing terraced houses.
โ€” To โ€˜resolveโ€™ these 2 distinct streetscapes at the corner.
โ€” For this corner resolution to be an opportunity to reflect the fact that the building use is a distinct non-residential, community/educational use.
โ€” For the entrance and main focus of the school to be from Seville Place, the primary street, and for Emerald Street to be quieter and relatively more private. The new building is 3 storeys over basement along Seville Place and 2 storeys over basement along Emerald Street. On Seville Place the 2nd floor accommodation is located behind a pitched slate roof immediately next to the existing building at 41 Seville Place. The entrance is positioned facing Seville Place and is accessible to all users of the building. The total floor area is approximately 800 mยฒ, and the building and basement occupy the entire site.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-01-15. The procurement was published on 2015-12-04.




Procurement history
Date Document
2015-12-04 Contract notice