The provision of Airbus A320 Virtual Maintenance Trainer Software

Dublin Institute of Technology

The School of Transport Engineering, Environment and Planning in the College of Engineering and Built Environment, DIT Bolton Street, requires 2 Airbus A320 Virtual Maintenance Trainers (VMT's) for its core facilities to enhance its aviation technologies activities. Delivery, installation and commissioning of the A320 VMT software will it is planned take place at the DIT Aviation Technology Centre, Unit C 3B, Airport Business Park, Co. Dublin. Support services for the VMT are expected for a 12 month period. The VMT's will allow DIT to simulate a typical modern aircraft using appropriate hardware and licensed software. A VMT for a typical modern wide bodied aircraft allows access to a virtual cockpit with the ability to simulate typical modern airframe systems and avionics systems such as Flight Management Systems (FMS), autopilot and glass cockpit common display systems such as Electronic Flight Instrument Systems (EFIS). VMT's will also facilitate simulation of Central Maintenance Computing function (CMCF) on a typical modern aircraft allowing Built in Test Equipment (BITE) simulation of the aircraft's system. A VMT is the ideal solution for where access to the real aircraft is restricted, for the student to perform trouble shooting exercises, access to BITE, LRU replacement and experience what is happening with the system in real time with associated active schematics.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-11-06. The procurement was published on 2015-09-24.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2015-09-24 Contract notice
2015-12-18 Contract award notice