The establishment of Multi Supplier Framework Agreements for the Provision of Security Services
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform invites responses to this Request
for Tenders from economic operators for participation in a number of multi-
supplier framework agreements for the provision of the Security Services. The
Minister is the contracting authority for this competition. The Office of Government
Procurement (OGP) is tasked (inter alia) with sourcing goods and / or services for
and on behalf of public service bodies. References to the OGP will be deemed to
be references to the Contracting Authority. Tenderers should note that any
contract entered into pursuant to this Competition may be novated to the OGP
and by submitting a Tender, Tenderers so acknowledge and confirm.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-07-30.
The procurement was published on 2015-06-19.
Procurement history
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Contract notice
Additional information
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