Request for Tender for Class B Fire Appliances

Longford County Council

Request for Tender to seek tenders for 4 fire-fighting water tender appliances for the Irish Fire Services. This RFT applies to medium class pumping appliances (Class B Appliances) — as defined in I.S. EN 1846 — operating within urban and rural districts, both on and off road and at speed. The minimum required life span of the appliance shall be 15 years. The appliance shall spend most of it's life in a laden condition and the design shall take this into account.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-12-31. The procurement was published on 2015-11-09.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:


Procurement history
Date Document
2015-11-09 Contract notice
2017-05-31 Contract award notice