Provision of a solar energy (PV) development partner (s) Coillte

Coillte Teoranta

Coillte is Ireland's national forestry company and premier natural resources
manager, with stewardship over 445 000 hectares which equates to 7 % of the
land mass Ireland. Coillte's estate is at the heart of an indigenous forest products
sector, and supports that sector through the sustainable management of 50 % of
Ireland's commercial forests and the manufacture and export of MDF and OSB
sustainable wood panels for a range of construction related end uses in the UK
and beyond. In addition Coillte has also played a pivotal role in the development
of a vibrant renewable energy sector in Ireland over the last 20 years through the
deployment of the assets we manage in a way that complements our core forestry
Coillte Enterprise is the venturing arm of the Coillte Group which identifies
business opportunities and extracts value from managing the Group's broad non-
forest asset base. It operates in the energy sector, and is currently developing a
wind energy portfolio in excess of 300 MW, and also is the market leader in the
supply of biomass to the industrial heat customers.
Coillte is also interested in exploring the potential for solar energy generating
solutions on our estate.
We are now seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified solar energy
development firms to enter into competitive dialogue, principally for the
development of ground mounted solar electricity generating solutions on the
Coillte estate.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-07-27. The procurement was published on 2015-06-25.




Procurement history
Date Document
2015-06-25 Contract notice