Process for the Designation of a Gas Safety Supervisory Body
The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) is Ireland's independent energy and water regulator. The CER was established in 1999 and now has a wide range of economic, customer protection and safety responsibilities in energy. The CER is also the regulator of Ireland's public water and wastewater system.
As provided for under the Electricity Act 1999, (as amended) the Commission is operating a Designation Process in order to determine what party (if any), it shall appoint a Gas Safety Supervisory Body to operate from January 2016 for a seven (7) year period. The Electricity Regulation Act 1999 (as amended) requires that the Commission shall only designate a party as an Gas Safety Supervisory Body (GSSB) where it is satisfied that such party is capable of complying with the requirements of the Criteria Document (CER/14/077).
The principal functions of the GSSB shall include, without limitation, the registration of gas installers and, the inspection, auditing and monitoring of gas installers and their works and activities.
For a more complete description of the role of the GSSB and the particulars of this Designation Process, please refer to the tender documentation available to download from the contract notice page on the Irish Public Procurement portal
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-05-07.
The procurement was published on 2015-03-13.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Procurement history
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Contract notice
Contract award notice