National Framework Agreement for the Provision of Pharmacy Services & Supplies to HSE Community Based Services and other Public Funded Sectors

Health Service Executive (HSE)

The Health Service Executive (HSE) intends to establish a new National Framework Agreement for the Provision of Pharmacy Services and Supplies to HSE community based services including other public funded sectors and invites proposals from suitably qualified companies who wish to be appointed onto the National Framework Agreement.
The duration of this Framework Agreement is 24 months from the commencement date with the option of an extension of 2 x 12 months up to a total of 48 months.
Contracts will be awarded by way of specific mini-competitions as either current contract expires or specific requirements arise. Only those companies that have been appointed to the Framework Agreement will be invited to participate in mini competitions during the lifetime of the Framework Agreement.
The scope of the Framework Agreement includes the active participation of all HSE community based services including other public funded sectors that require a pharmacy service and supplies.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-01-06. The procurement was published on 2015-11-26.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2015-11-26 Contract notice
2016-08-28 Contract award notice