Multi-party Framework Agreement for Roadwork Contracts 2016-2020 (less than 500 EUR)

Dublin City Council

Dublin City Council (DCC) will be facilitating the establishment of a Multi-Party Framework Agreement with multiple operators for contracts less than 500 000 EUR on behalf of itself and the Local Authorities listed hereunder who will be parties to the framework. The Framework will run for 36 months. The Contracting Authority may, at its discretion, extend the Framework by a further 12 months.
— Dublin City Council (DCC);
— Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLRCC).
These authorities will be known as the framework purchasers. Any contracts entered into on foot of the framework agreement will be strictly between each framework purchaser and the chosen framework operator.
The following are the main elements to the Multi party Framework Agreement for Roadwork Contracts 2016-2020:
— Installation of ducts, gullies, drainage pipes manholes and chambers;
— Roadway repairs including potholes (flexible and rigid);
— Footway repairs and refurbishment (incld. flags, concrete and bituminous);
— Construction and upgrade of footways, cycle tracks, bus stops, cycle lanes and bus lanes;
— Resurfacing and High friction antiskid surfacing (associated with the work);
— Granite and flagging work (high quality finish);
— Diversion of services;
— Road and street improvements (including widening and narrowing);
— Development and Implementing of the Traffic Management Plan;
— Installation of Public Lighting columns;
— Installation of tactile paving and dishing including installation and upgrade of pedestrian crossings;
— Installation of Road markings (associated with other roadworks);
— Installing bollards, pedestrian barriers, street furniture, signage, cycle parking and shelters etc.;
— Construction of walls and related works;
— Installation of Traffic Signal and traffic islands;
— Trial Holes/Site Investigations/Service Investigation/Geo Referencing/Noise and Vibration Control;
— Role of PSCS;
— Public Relations.
This list is not exhaustive and will include other small works as required under the scope of the framework or works of a similar nature within the expertise of the chosen contractors.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2016-01-18. The procurement was published on 2015-11-24.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:


Procurement history
Date Document
2015-11-24 Contract notice
2017-05-31 Contract award notice