Lithotripsy Equipment
The Objective of this project is to appoint a Tenderer who has a clear proven ability in the field of supply, delivery, associated fitting and installation, and full commissioning of Lithotripsy Equipment to specific AMNCH Location. The successful Tenderer must meet the hospital stated specification requirements including the Summary of Need. The requirement is for an ESWL Lithotripter unit suitable for the full range of stone ablation therapies preferably with both under-table and over-table configurations. This must include all consumables, service contract and maintenance costs. Tenderers are also to include any capital costs for equipment. Any additional consumables, hardware, not specified in the tender reply, but deemed necessary to provide the service, must be borne by the supplier. The proposed system must provide a robust and future-proofed answer to our needs. The proposal must offer value for money. Full details of specification and associated requirements are stated per the attached published suite of Tender documentation. Manadatory requirements must be met.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-07-27.
The procurement was published on 2015-06-15.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Procurement history
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Contract notice
Contract award notice