IT Infrastructure Operations Managed Service Provider

Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail

Córas Iompair Éireann is the main provider of surface land public transport services within the Republic of Ireland. CIÉ is a statutory body, reporting to the Minister for Transport.
CIÉ has 3 wholly owned subsidiary limited liability companies (Iarnród Éireann-Irish Rail, Bus Éireann-Irish Bus and Bus Atha Cliath-Dublin Bus), set up under the Companies Acts as provided for in the Transport (Reorganisation of Córas Iompair Éireann) Act 1986.
Summary of Requirements.
CIE seeks to engage a single IT Infrastructure Operations Managed Service Provider for a period of 12 months minimum to 24 months maximum to deliver a suite of SLA-governed Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance Managed Services (to ITIL standard).
CIE has over 3 000 IT customers and approximately 200 sites served by 2 active-active in-house Data Centres.
CIE currently provides in-house infrastructure and application support to Iarnród Éireann, Bus Éireann, Bus Átha Cliath, the CIÉ Holding Company and CIÉ Tours International.
Further details of the IT landscape and the scope of requirements can be viewed in the attached PQQ. At a high level the following areas are covered.
The operational areas which are to be covered include:
— Server/Patch Management,
— Storage Administration,
— Backup Management,
— Security Administration,
— Systems Monitoring,
— Media Management,
— Standard Operations and Operations Reporting.
The maintenance areas which are to be covered include:
— Desktop/Laptop break/fix (including warranty cover),
— network communications equipment break/fix (including the application of manufacturer recommended necessary security updates and hotfixes),
— server break/fix and problem diagnosis (including necessary manufacturer recommended firmware upgrades and security updates),
— SAN infrastructure (excluding SAN equipment) break/fix (including necessary manufacturer recommended firmware upgrades and security updates),
— fibre cabling break/fix, Please see attached PQQ for additional information.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-10-27. The procurement was published on 2015-10-08.




Procurement history
Date Document
2015-10-08 Contract notice