Framework type Agreement for the Provision of Orthodontic Services to the HSE

Health Service Executive (HSE)

The HSE invites suitably qualified service providers to submit a tender for appointment to a Framework type agreement for the provision of orthodontic services in respect of a number of the patients currently on the HSE Orthodontic Waiting Lists. It is HSE's intention to establish a Framework Type Agreement (on behalf of HSE and Health Funded Agencies) with a range of service providers, (estimated maximum of 30). HSE intends appointing service providers, who may then be assigned a number of patients for whom orthodontic services are to be provided over a 3 year timeframe as determined by the required treatment plan.
For full details please see the Invitation to Tender documentation published with the Contract Notice on the etenders website,

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-09-17. The procurement was published on 2015-08-07.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2015-08-07 Contract notice
2016-04-15 Contract award notice