Courseware and eLearning resources to support the delivery of online courses delivered through Moodle


ECollege is a unit within Solas tasked with planning, coordinating and funding the delivery of online courses on a national basis to employed and unemployed learners throughout Ireland. These course are delivered through Moodle (, hosted internally by Solas and integrated with internal Solas systems and with the ability to interface with external vender hosted resources. eCollege also provides this Moodle platform for use by courses delivered throughout the Further Education and Training (FET) Sector in Ireland including the Education and Training Boards (ETB's).
The Services requested through this tender process involves the supply of training resources, simulations, virtual Labs, interactive content, eBooks, Video and courseware that will be used to populate Moodle courses so as to provide Learners will the supports required to achieve industry recognised certification. eCollege online courses are supported by a help desk and eTutoring service previously procured through a separate tender process.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-04-30. The procurement was published on 2015-03-12.




Procurement history
Date Document
2015-03-12 Contract notice