RFT 11/14 โ€” Request for Tender for Network Equipment Supply and Maintenance

Letterkenny Institute of Technology

Letterkenny Institute of Technology requires establishing a contract with a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to supply network equipment and provide a quality service for the maintenance and support of existing data network equipment.
The purpose of this competition is to establish a contract with a single contractor for the combined 2 lots:
Lot 1: Supply of Network Equipment and Software Licenses (โ€˜the Goodsโ€™).
Lot 2: Maintenance and Support for existing Cisco Network and new network equipment (โ€˜the Servicesโ€™).

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-01-15. The procurement was published on 2014-12-05.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:


Procurement history
Date Document
2014-12-05 Contract notice
2014-12-08 Additional information
2014-12-22 Additional information
2015-04-20 Contract award notice