Mar 2014 – Tender for the provision of Electrical Maintenance Services to IT Tralee

Institute of Technology Tralee

The Institute of Technology Tralee is seeking the services of an Electrical Contractor to provide on-going, electrical, plumbing/mechanical and general maintenance services on a full-time basis to the Institute.
The main component of this tender is Electrical Maintenance and Installation and it may not be subcontracted.
Applicants must be registered Electrical Contractors and must hold current membership of a licensed regulatory body for Electrical Contracting in Ireland.
Full details can be found in the tender documents attached to this notice or can be downloaded from the Irish Government Procurement Website –

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-05-07. The procurement was published on 2014-03-26.



Procurement history
Date Document
2014-03-26 Contract notice