HSE Project 270 - Infection Prevention and Control System (IPCRESS)

Health Service Executive (HSE)

Health Service Executive (HSE) invites tenders for the provision, implementation and support of an Infection Prevention and Control Information System. The system will be deployed initially in the Dublin North East Region but will be the national solution for implementation as required in other regions within the HSE. The solution selected will deliver a comprehensive Information Technology (IT) system to support infection control functions.
It will manage the clinical and administrative information around Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) cases and outbreaks and will help reduce further IPC cases through timely intervention and planned prevention.
The proposed solution will bring together laboratory and patient information by incorporating interfaces from the Laboratory and Patient Administration Systems.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-05-19. The procurement was published on 2014-04-09.




Procurement history
Date Document
2014-04-09 Contract notice