Framework Agreement for Pavement and Associated Minor Works for national roads

Cork County Council

The Contracting Authority wishes to establish and operate a multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of pavement and associated minor works for national road schemes. The proposed number of framework contractors will be minimum 3 and maximum 8 (provided sufficient Tenderers qualify for admission to the framework). The Framework Period will be 24 months. The Contracting Authority may, at its absolute discretion, extend the Framework Period by a further 24 months in 12 months increments such that the total Framework Period will not exceed 48 months. Where the Employer requires works to be undertaken under the Framework Agreement, it will do so by way of awarding contract(s) to a framework Participant following a mini-competition carried out as per the โ€˜call off by competition' procedure indicated in the Framework Agreement.
The number of Works Contracts awarded under the framework in a year is unlikely to exceed 20. Typically, the value of each Works Contract would approximately range from EUR 100 000 to EUR 2 000 000. The values and number of Works Contracts are indicative only and there is no guarantee that this volume of work will be awarded under the framework.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-07-25. The procurement was published on 2014-05-30.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:


Procurement history
Date Document
2014-05-30 Contract notice
2015-01-13 Contract award notice