CorpServ001 - Management and Maintenance Services for Corporate Buildings for Limerick City and County Council

Limerick City and County Council

Management and maintenance services for 6 Corporate Buildings in the ownership of LCCC. Limerick Corporate Buildings should be taken to consist of the following:
1. Limerick City and County Council Corporate Headquarters, Merchants Quay, Limerick and all associated offices, including:
Mayoral Suite, Council Chamber, exhibition area, museum area, museum basement, glazed street and main administrative office floors. - District Court Building, including courtroom, court offices and custodial facilities.
Total building area 6,200 sqm over 4 floors
2. Former County Hall Building in Dooradoyle, Limerick - 7,900 sqm over 5 floors
3. Lissnalta House โ€“ 4,500 sqm over 2 floors
4. Planning and Economic Development Building at No 1 Patrick Street โ€“ 1,400sqm
over 4 floors
5. Granary Building โ€“ 5,900 sqm over 4 floors
6. No. 2 Perry Square โ€“ 690 sqm over 5 floors โ€“ Georgian Building
It is a key requirement for the proposed Maintenance Company to have a proven track record in providing Facilities Management Services for office accommodation.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-07-28. The procurement was published on 2014-06-16.




Procurement history
Date Document
2014-06-16 Contract notice