Coonagh to Knockalisheen Dist Rd - Coonagh to Knockalisheen Distributor Road Main Contractor Pre-Qualification

Limerick City and County Council

The scheme will involve;
2.6km of new urban dual carriageway road.
0.6km of new urban single carriageway road.
1.8km of major improvements to an existing urban single carriageway road.
1.0km of minor improvements to existing rural single carriageway roads.
Embankment on soft ground requiring specialist earthworks design and construction techniques.
2 road over railway bridges.
4 new roundabouts and modifications to 2 existing roundabouts.
2 Traffic Signal Junctions.
Surface water sewers, foul sewers, watermains and utility service ducting, landscaping, boundaries.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-06-23. The procurement was published on 2014-05-06.



Procurement history
Date Document
2014-05-06 Contract notice