Coillte Establishment PQQ โ€“ Establishment Contracts Qualification Panel for 2015

Coillte Teoranta

Establishment Contracts Qualification Panel for 2015. There will be three types of contracts available:
1. Long-Term Contracts - involves completing all establishment work (both manual & mechanical) to free- growing standard (min 4yrs) and includes the supply of all materials (except initial plants).
2. Ground Preparation Contracts โ€“ involves mechanical establishment operations only.
3. Short-term Contracts โ€“ consists of work that is outside the Long-term & Ground Preparation contracts, and will involve one or more of the following operations:
Planting, Fencing, Fertilising, Filling-in, Cleaning, Chemical Spraying, Weevil Spraying, Renewal of fire-lines/drains, Distribution, Shaping, and includes the supply of all materials (except initial plants).

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-07-03. The procurement was published on 2014-06-03.




Procurement history
Date Document
2014-06-03 Contract notice