14/059 - Health, Safety, Quality, Environmental (HSQE), Enterprise Risk and Business Continuity Services to Irish Water

Bord Gáis Éireann/Ervia

Health, Safety, Quality, Environmental (HSQE), Enterprise Risk and Business Continuity Services. The services will be split into 5lots. A national multi supplier framework agreement will be established for each lot.
Lot 1: Audit and Inspection Services.
Lot 2: HSQE Consultancy Services.
Lot 3: Certification Services.
Lot 4: Business Continuity and Incident Management.
Lot 5: Enterprise Risk Management.
In order to receive the Pre Qualification Questionnaire, please forward an Expression of Interest with your company name, address, contact person, relevant email address and contact number to jswayne@bge.ie
Please do not register an expression of interest on etenders.
Applicants may apply for one or all lots. Where an Applicant is applying for more than one lot, a separate PQQ response must be completed and submitted for each lot.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-09-08. The procurement was published on 2014-08-05.




Procurement history
Date Document
2014-08-05 Contract notice