UCDOPP527 - UCD Science Centre - Phase 2 Fit-Out Works Package 1 -Mechanical Services Installation (1)
As part of the expansion and refurbishment of the UCD Science Centre development, UCD is currently constructing c.20 000 m2 of new accommodation in conjunction with the refurbishment of c.10 000 m2 of existing facilities. The purpose of this qualification process is to prepare a shortlist of suitably experienced and qualified Works Contractor Candidates to tender for a contract to undertake elements of the fit-out works to the Science Centre development. This notice relates to Works Package 1 which is for the mechanical services installations and consists of the detail design, coordination, supply, fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning for the office area (which includes mechanical ventilation system, 4 pipe Fan Coil Unit installation for space heating and cooling, water and waste services and BMS interface) and the mechanical services installations, which consists of the detail design, coordination, supply, fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning for the laboratory area (which includes mechanical ventilation systems, fume hood ventilation, water and waste, gases services, BMS interface).
The Works Contractor will be the 'lead' contractor in relation to all M&E services installations (i.e. mechanical, electrical and fire protection etc.) on the project and in that regard, will be responsible for all M&E services installation co-ordination etc. - the Works Contractor will be required to appoint a dedicated M&E coordinator for this project. The Works Contractor shall also be responsible for coordinating and integrating with the other appointed works contractors / suppliers and their respective works on this project, in particular electrical services installations, builders work in connection etc.
Other Works Packages will be advertised separately and will be the subject of separate procurement processes. UCD reserves the right to tender future requirements associated with this project. Please see the Memorandum of Information document and the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire (available to download from
www.etenders.gov.ie) for further information.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-10-21.
The procurement was published on 2013-09-18.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Procurement history
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Contract notice
Contract award notice