UCDOPP475 - Provision of Road Safety Audit Training Services
University College Dublin has a requirement for specialist assistance in the delivery of Road Safety Audit Training Courses in Ireland and the development of such UCD programmes internationally. This framework agreement will be used to provide
these services to the University within the period of the agreement. UCD intends to put in place a Single Operator Framework Agreement for the provision of these services. The Agreement will be for a period of two years with the option to extend for
two further one year periods, renewable annually. UCD is using a procedure analogous to the open procedure for the award of this Framework Agreement. Tenderers are invited to submit completed tenders in accordance with this Invitation to Tender (and any
clarifications that may follow). Please note that under Article 21 of Directive 2004/18/EC, this procurement is defined as an Annex II B non-priority service and the Directive therefore applies in a highly modified form.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-10-29.
The procurement was published on 2013-09-25.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Procurement history
Date |
Document |
Contract notice
Contract award notice
Contract award notice