UCC New Student "Hub" Building - Procurement of Construction Consultants in Individual Lots for New UCC Student "Hub" Building
The Proposed new UCC Student Hub will integrate the Student Support model providing:
(a) Student Learning- Flexible learning spaces, formal small group shared learning spaces and informal social learning spaces in a technology rich environment.
(b) Student Development & Employability - An integrated student services model in one central location fostering new relationships and creating new synergies in support of students' personal development, employability skills development and academic success.
(c) Student Administration Services -A one-stop-shop to facilitate more student friendly, accessible and efficient student administrative services.
Uniquely the Hub will accommodate in one centre these three major aspects of the student experience demonstrating their interdependence in providing a holistic education to students.
The proposed site for the new UCC Student Hub is located in the centre of the campus incorporating the existing Windle Medical building and the adjoining area between this building and the prominent Kane Science building.
The development comprises c 3500 mยฒ to 4500 mยฒ of accommodation comprising c 1500 mยฒ of existing building to be refurbished and c. 2000 mยฒ to 3000 mยฒ of new build.
UCC is issuing this information to applicants for each Individual Lot and is inviting expressions of interest as the first stage of a two stage process under the restricted procedure for appointment of service providers. The purpose of the first stage is to obtain information from applicants to determine their suitability to carry out the requested service. Please note this is not a tender document.
The construction consultancy services required to carry out this project will be procured on the basis of Individual Lots for the following consultants. Each Individual Lot will be evaluated separately.
1. Architectural/PSDP & Conservation Architectural Services.
2. Civil / Structural & Fire Engineering Services.
3. Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Services.
4. Quantity Surveying Services.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-01-03.
The procurement was published on 2013-11-22.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Procurement history
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Contract notice
Contract award notice