UCC/2013/31 - Supply, Installation and Commisioning of Audio Visual Equipment
University College Cork has a wide audio visual
infrastructure covering 157 Central Teaching Rooms. In
addition The University has more than 120 departmental
laboratories, teaching rooms and meeting rooms
containing AV equipment. Included in these are over 220
permanent data projection systems and more than 20
rooms using large monitor presentation displays. Each
system typically incorporates a permanent PC and DVD
player and allows connectivity for laptops, document
cameras and other presentation equipment. Systems are
controlled via RS232 using control switches. Digital
signage is also being rolled out across the campus.
The purpose of this tender is to establish a multi supplier
framework agreement with three or more suppliers for the
supply, installation and commission of Audio Visual
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-01-30.
The procurement was published on 2013-12-20.
Procurement history
Date |
Document |
Contract notice