The ASSERT Centre Project - UCC Brookfield Health Sciences Complex - The ASSERT Centre Project, College Road, Cork
UCC hereby issues this information in accordance with the
requirements of EC directive 2004/18/EEC (restricted
procedure) for applicants and is inviting expressions of
interest from Works Contractors as the first stage of a two
stage process under the restricted procedure. The purpose
of the first stage is to obtain information from Works
Contractors to determine their suitability to carry out the
requested works. Please note this is not a tender document.
The proposed works comprise - the construction of a four
storey extension to the existing Brookfield Health Sciences
Complex. The area of the proposed extension (Assert
Centre Project) is circa 2,435m2 with a proposed fit-out
area of approximately 50% - 75% of the proposed extension.
The Assert Centre will comprise of training and research
facilities for the College of Medicine and Health to include
conference rooms, offices, hi fidelity suites, mock ward,
multi function, research labs, audiology training lab and
ancillary facilities.
Mechanical & Electrical Specialists for the project will be
Novated to the Main Contractor. The Novated specialists will
enter into a contract with the employer and will subsequently
be Novated to the Main Contractor under clause 5.4 of the
Public Works Contract for Building Works designed by the
Employer PW-CF1 using the CWMF Model Form 1.9
Novation Agreement.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-02-03.
The procurement was published on 2013-12-20.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Procurement history
Date |
Document |
Contract notice
Contract award notice