SSI2013 - Research examining the participation of third level students in Ireland in sport, physical activity and related matters

Student Sport Ireland

Student Sport Ireland is the national governing body for third level sport in Ireland with the remit to promote and develop third level sport in Ireland.
The overall aim of this research project is to investigate and assess the participation of 3rd level students in sport and physical activity in Ireland and the factors and issues surrounding that participation. Implicit here is the understanding that the research will also investigate and assess those 3rd level students who do not participate in sport and physical activity and the issues around such non-participation. The research should also assist SSI in developing a deeper understanding of key levers for change within its own programmes in order to encourage non-participants to become more active. With the above in mind, the research should deliver the following:
i. Accurate, reliable and consistent data on the behaviour and attitudes of Irish third-level students in/to sport and physical activity;
ii. An assessment of the impact of their third-level experience of sport and physical activity on their participation; and
iii. Strategic recommendations to inform future policy and planning within SSI.
While there is some flexibility around the design of the research and it is expected that potential tenderers will use their expertise to propose creative approaches, it is also expected that the research will consist of a study comprising a number of elements, including at least the following:
i. An opt out, randomly selected, survey of approximately 10,000 students;
ii. Objective physical activity and health assessments of a sub-sample of students; and
iii. Individual college situational analysis to investigate college programmes, policies, culture, facilities, etc and to examine in detail the experiences of 3rd level students around sport and physical activity Tenderers will be required to obtain ethical approval for the study and should provide details on how they will deal with this issue.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-10-30. The procurement was published on 2013-09-20.



Procurement history
Date Document
2013-09-20 Contract notice