SRH1 - Design Team Services & Independent PSDP for New Surgical Block at Sligo Regional Hospital

Health Service Executive (HSE)

A new facility of approximately 25,000 square metres [Gross Floor Area] over six storeys above ground level to provide for the departmental adjacencies required, including:
โ€” Radiology;
โ€” Emergency Department;
โ€” Acute Assessment Unit;
โ€” Integrated Paediatric Department;
โ€” Obstetrics/ Maternity/ Neo Natal;
โ€” Surgical Wards;
โ€” Operating Theatres;
โ€” Intensive Care Unit.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-05-10. The procurement was published on 2013-03-28.




Procurement history
Date Document
2013-03-28 Contract notice