RT13_002 - Spare Parts Managed Services for Domestic Boilers

Bord Gais Eireann

Bord Gรกis Energy is undertaking a competitive tendering process, seeking to enter into a contract with one or more providers to meet its requirements for provision of Spare Parts Managed Services relating to the service and repair of Natural Gas/Liquid Petroleum Gas/Oil domestic boilers and other domestic and ancillary heating equipment throughout the Republic of Ireland.
The expected scope of the contract includes but is not limited to the following works:
โ€” Providing the initial stock holding of spare parts relating to the scope of works to every Service Engineer and providing spare parts to Service Engineer as required,
โ€” Having a distribution network in place so that it's possible to facilitate daily order requests within SLAs for Non Stock items and Exceptional items.
Providing a technology solution for both Service Engineers, working on their mobile field devices, and Bord Gรกis Energy back office team to:
โ€” Re-order parts for van stock,
โ€” Check availability and lead times for non-van stock items,
โ€” Place orders for non-van stock items,
โ€” Submit requests and orders for exceptional stock items,
โ€” Having relationships in place with distributors and / or manufacturers to ensure sufficient supply of stock and ability to source Exceptional Items are never an issue.
It is anticipated that this contract will commence on 1.6.2013 and continue for a period of 3 years with an option to extend the contract for up to 2 years. For the avoidance of doubt, a separate contract will be entered into in respect of each lot.
The expected scope of the contract includes the provision of spare parts managed services in respect of the following lots and BGE reserve the right to proceed to ITT with and / or to award any combination of these lots:
โ€” Lot 1 Provision of spare parts managed services across all 26 counties in Republic of Ireland,
โ€” Lot 2 Provision of spare parts managed services across all counties in Leinster,
โ€” Lot 3 Provision of spare parts managed services across all counties in Munster,
โ€” Lot 4 Provision of spare parts managed services across all counties in Connaught as well as Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-02-27. The procurement was published on 2013-02-05.




Procurement history
Date Document
2013-02-05 Contract notice