RFT Digital Aerial Sensor System - Medium Format Digital Aerial Sensor System

Ordnance Survey Ireland

Medium Format Digital Aerial Sensor System for data capture simultaneously with ALS50-11 LiDAR system
The proposed contract will be for the following;
- The provision of a Medium Format Digital Aerial Sensor System to collect multispectral imagery (R,G,B and NIR and to include any necessary ancillary equipment for its simultaneous operation in conjunction with OSi's ALS50 – 11 LiDAR
- The processing the data resulting from the acquisition
- The support and training for OSi staff in the effective use of the equipment and software supplied including an appropriate upgrade regime as the supplied Digital Aerial Sensor Systems technology develops over the next 5 years.
The proposed system will be used predominantly for the capture of imagery to support the revision of topographic mapping at scales of between 1:500 and 1:5,000, and the creation of orthophotos at a resolution of between 5cm and 1m.
The system must therefore acquire imagery in production conditions to an accuracy and specification which will allow topographic mapping to be produced from it using photogrammetric plotting.
OSi's policy is to develop integrated solutions and maximise efficiency through automation. The use of any Medium Format Digital Aerial Sensor must therefore integrate with OSi's in- house systems to produce the required outputs in the most automated and advantageous method possible to OSi.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-06-07. The procurement was published on 2013-04-26.



Procurement history
Date Document
2013-04-26 Contract notice