RFT 1302 - The Provision of Training and Mentoring Services to the ManagementWorks Programme
Skillnets is an enterprise-led support body dedicated to up-skilling those in employment. The ManagementWorks initiative, which results from an action in the Irish Government's Action Plan for Jobs (2012-3), is designed to improve the level of management capability in Ireland's small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Skillnets is funded by the Department of Education and Skills from the National Training Fund and its stakeholders include leading employer and employee representative bodies - IBEC,
Chambers Ireland, CIF, SFA, ICTU. Further background information in relation to ManagementWorks is available at
www.managementworks.ie while additional information on Skillnets can be accessed on the Skillnets web-site at
The objective of this RFT is to select a panel of training and mentoring service providers for the delivery of a range of management development interventions throughout the Republic of Ireland.
A Prior Information Notice (Ref 198032-2013) of this requirement was published on 18.6.2013. Tenderers should read the attached document which describes the requirements in detail and includes the pricing sheet which must be used.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-10-04.
The procurement was published on 2013-09-03.
Procurement history
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Contract notice