P1787 - A new passenger, aircraft movement and cargo tonnage forecast model
The objective of this project is to provide Dublin Airport Authority plc with a new passenger, aircraft movement and cargo tonnage forecast model to replace the existing Excel based tool which has been used by the DAA since 1998. DAA would like a new commercially supported forecasting tool with good usability based on the latest methodology. It should provide maximum flexibility, allowing for the automatic import of historical data for analysis and the generation of long term projections based on the historic relationship between given forecast drivers and traffic. The solution should be modular, allowing other modules to be
added in future to improve DAA's ability to analyse projections and forecast daily schedules. Initial areas to be covered will be:
1. Long and Medium Term Forecasting – This process involves the generation of passenger, aircraft movement and freight forecasts for up to thirty years in the future.
Further areas to be considered (but not limited to) are:
2. Short term and operational forecasting - this process refines flight movement schedules to allow for near term forecast information to be generated for planning, operational and budgetary purposes.
3. Supplier Recommendations. - Any recommendations that are a natural fit with the solution.
This will cover any areas that have not been listed but are significant features of the solution. DAA would like in as far as possible to ensure that any solution proposed provides ‘out of the box' functionality to
satisfy their requirements without the need for major development which influences both time and cost. DAA are interested in both locally hosted and cloud based SAAS solutions.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-03-22.
The procurement was published on 2013-02-20.
Procurement history
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Contract notice