NW5062 - Signalling, Telecoms and OHLE Works for CCRP Phase 3
Iarnrรณd รireann (Irish Rail) is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified contractors with experience of complex railway system projects for the installation of Signalling, Telecoms and Overhead Line Equipment (OHLE) for Phase 3 of the City Centre Re-Signalling Project.
The City Centre Re-Signalling Project (CCRP) is a strategic re-signalling project covering the DART network in Dublin. The project is divided into four phases for ease of management and control. Phases 1 & 2 are now nearing completion. Phase 3 comprises Connolly Station to Sandymount, with permanent way changes at Grand Canal Dock (GCD) including the replacement of the life expired signalling system. Phase 4 covers the Connolly Station area.
The scope of this tender will include works relating to Phase 3 only. It is intended to enter into an Early Collaboration Contract with the successful tenderer. The Early Collaboration Contract consists of two parts; the first being The Early Services and the second being The Tasks. The Early Services comprise of survey, planning and construction detailing. The Phase 3 Signalling, Telecoms and OHLE Tasks comprise of the following:
- Installation of signalling to cater for a centre road terminating turn back facility for southbound trains at Grand Canal Dock Station adjacent to platform 2.
- Installation of wayside systems suitable for both automatic train protection (ATP) technology and continuous automatic warning systems (CAWS).
- Replacement of the existing track circuits with axle counters.
- Installation of point machines to all new points.
- Installation of new fibre transmission nodes at strategic points to provide circuits for line side phones, train radio and signalling.
- Upgrade of the PABX system and installation of new line side telephones.
- Modification and extension of the existing layout of the overhead line equipment (OHLE) for a turnback facility at Grand Canal Dock station.
- Installation of new signals and associated cable routes and equipment cases.
- Cabling of new equipment rooms, termination and testing of new cables.
- Support to Iarnrรณd รireann in carrying out the testing and commissioning.
It is the intent to issue the tender in early February 2014 with a return date in late May 2014. The Early Services will commence in August 2014 with works starting on site in January 2015. These dates are tentative at this time.
Interested candidates must download, complete and return the attached Pre-Qualification Questionnaire by the closing date stated in the PQQ document.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-12-09.
The procurement was published on 2013-11-08.
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