New School at Clifden Community School, Clifden, Co. Galway
A post primary school building project comprising the
following: Construction of a new, part two-storey and part
three-storey school building of c. 3,900 sq.m, along with a
new school entrance and associated internal access roads,
parking spaces, landscaping and drainage works including
a new on-site waste water treatment plant, while the existing
school on the site remains fully operational. Demolition of
the existing school building and associated pre-fabricated
classroom structures once the new school is fully
operational. Particular Construction Management
constraints apply due to works being carried out adjacent to
an operational school, on a sloping site located adjacent to a
Special Area of Conservation.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-07-27.
The procurement was published on 2013-06-27.
Procurement history
Date |
Document |
Contract notice