Major Extension at St Raphaels - Major Extension & Sports Hall at St Raphaels College

St. Raphael's College

The project shall consist, in summary of:
(a) Renovations, alterations & demolitions to the existing three storey school building, which is a protected structure (1 958 mยฒ).
(b) Construction of a two storey school extension (2 540 mยฒ).
(c) Construction of a sports hall with changing facilities and viewing galley linked to the two storey school extension (990 mยฒ).
(d) Construction of a new entrance, access road, roundabout, service roads and parking facilities.
(e) Boundary walls and fences and modification of the existing boundary.
(f) Playing pitch and practice area.
(g) All associated services including the re-routing of major pipes crossing the site and electrical services.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-08-12. The procurement was published on 2013-07-10.




Procurement history
Date Document
2013-07-10 Contract notice