Kilcredan National School - The construction of a new extension and refurbishment of Kilcredan National School
The removal of existing porta-cabins, partial demolition of
the existing school building, total 26sqm, including chimney
stack, boiler & GP rooms and Staff WC areas, internal and
external walls etc to facilitate the new works, the
refurbishment of the retained school building to include the
reorganization of existing areas to provide 6no en-suite
classrooms, upgrading of main corridor with flat roof
including new cross corridor doors, new blockwork walls
and high level windows for classrooms, new escape doors
on north western facade and the construction of a new
extension to the existing school building, of total 1338sqm,
including 6no en-suite classrooms, library/ resource room,
multipurpose room, 2no special education rooms,
principal's and general administrative offices, general
purpose room, PE store, equipment room and teacher/staff
room, general stores, electrical room, data/ comms room,
boiler room and associated toilets and circulation areas,
internal courtyard with junior play area, installation of new
foul pumping station, secondary foul water treatment plant
and tertiary sand filter with all associated pipe work,
alterations to existing storm drainage and installation of new
surface water drainage including provision of a rainwater
harvesting system and all associated pipe work, new fire
main & hydrants connected to group water scheme, external
ballcourt with 2.5m chainlink fence and gates,
reorganisation of playing pitches & and high ball retainers,
new vehicular gated entrance, previously permitted under
plan file 06/6128, set back existing road boundary (north
west) to match permitted entrance walls to provide bus set-
down areas for 5no school buses and new footpath, new
road boundary wall, new car-parking areas, external street
lighting and all site development & enabling works,
landscaping, site regrading & all ancillary site services etc.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-11-21.
The procurement was published on 2013-10-11.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Procurement history
Date |
Document |
Contract notice
Contract award notice