Invitation to Tender for Supply of Personal Protective Clothing & Equipment 2013 - 2016

South Dublin County Council

The Council is establishing a single party Framework Agreement for the procurement of its Personal Protective Clothing & Equipment requirements for a period of three years from August 2013 to August 2016. There will be an option of extending for one further year at South Dublin Council's discretion up to August 2017. South Dublin County Council is inviting suitably qualified providers to supply and deliver Protective Clothing, Footwear and Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. rainwear, protective footwear, gloves, masks, goggles etc). All South Dublin County Council Departments are included in the score of this Framework. The spend in 2012 on Protective Clothing & equipment was 170,000 EUR approximately. The Council cannot guarantee specific volumes of sales and reserves the right to go outside of the framework to source specific Personal Protective Clothing & Equipment requirements should this be necessary.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-07-11. The procurement was published on 2013-05-31.



Procurement history
Date Document
2013-05-31 Contract notice