Invitation for Expression of Interest for the Provision of Security Services to South Dublin County Council
South Dublin County Council's headquarters are located in County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
There is a secondary Customer Services Office in Clondalkin Civic Centre, Main Street, Clondalkin.
The Council also provides an extensive library service which includes the County Library in Tallaght and a number of smaller libraries located throughout the County.
There are a number of Stores and Depots located strategically throughout the County, which support the Roads, Parks, Housing and Environmental services of the Council.
South Dublin County Council employs 1200 staff and the annual spend on security services in 2012 was EUR 1.5 million approx.
Because of the range of services required, the Council is establishing a number of single party Framework Agreements for the procurement of its security requirements.
The tender will be divided into four lots as follows:
Lot 1 - Manned Guarding.
Lot 2 - Maintenance an/or monitoring of Intruder alarms - Key Holding - Alarm Response.
Lot 3 - CCTV.
Lot 4 - Security Shuttering.
A separate single party Framework Agreement will be established for each of the 4 lots.
Each Framework will be awarded for a period of 3 years with an option to extend for one further year at South Dublin County Council's discretion and subject to annual
and other periodic reviews.
South Dublin County Council cannot guarantee specific volumes of security work and reserves the right to go outside the framework to source security requirements should this be necessary.
The number of areas where these services are required may increase or decrease at short notice.
All queries regarding this Expression of Interest (Pre-Qualification Questionnaire) must be emailed to
Queries must be in question format and must be submitted by email only. Latest date for queries is Tuesday 28.5.2013.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-06-07.
The procurement was published on 2013-05-07.
Procurement history
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Contract notice
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