HSE 120/12 โ€“ Residential Childcare Services

Health Service Executive (HSE)

The HSE invites submissions from suitably qualified service providers to provide residential childcare services. Residential care refers to care that can be provided in a home (for children in the care of the HSE) staffed by Care Staff. The home or centre is referred to as a children's residential centre. Residential care may be provided in HSE run children's residential centres. Care may also be provided by voluntary organizations on a not for profit basis. The HSE also currently contracts childrens' residential
services from private providers in relation to children with high levels of need in the short or medium term, and this tender process refers to those specific requirements. Please note that this is an Annex IIB service, and that while a restricted style competition is being employed, this is a necessarily bespoke process and only articles 23 and 35(4) of directive 2004/18/EC are applicable.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-05-31. The procurement was published on 2013-05-07.




Procurement history
Date Document
2013-05-07 Contract notice