Framework agreement for building planned maintenance works

Kildare County Council

Kildare County Council, as Contracting Authority which incorporates:
- Kildare County Council,
- Naas Town Council,
- Athy Town Council,
- Newbridge Town Council (Droichead Nua Town Council) and
- Leixlip Town Council.
proposes to establish and operate a Framework Agreement for Building Planned Maintenance Works. The proposed works includes but is not limited to:
- Vacant house repairs,
- Disabled Person Grant (DPG) extensions and alterations,
- One-off dwellings,
- Major fire, water and other insurance damage repairs,
- Energy efficiency upgrade works to dwellings,
- Accessibility works (ramps, guarding's, handrails etc.),
- General small building works,
- Extensions to social housing,
- Works in Lieu schemes,
- Planned maintenance works to libraries and other properties under the control or ownership of the Contracting Authority.
The works may be carried out in rural and urban areas and may involve structures/Dwellings not in the ownership of the Contracting Authority. Where works are to be carried out on dwellings or other structures these dwellings and structures may be either vacant or occupied. A large variety of projects and activities may be specified under the Framework Agreement for Building Planned Maintenance Works. The frequency, scale and type of projects may vary depending on the needs of the Contracting Authority and the urgency of the work required.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-05-30. The procurement was published on 2013-04-19.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2013-04-19 Contract notice
2014-01-07 Contract award notice