Enniscorthy Sewerage Scheme Phase 3 โ Contract 1: Wastewater treatment plant Upgrade โ DBO contract
General Description
Enniscorthy Sewerage Scheme Phase 3 Contract 1: WWTP Upgrade DBO Contract (which is covered by these Pre- qualification documents) involves the following:
โ Refurbishment, upgrade, expansion and construction on a Design Build and Operate basis, of the existing Enniscorthy WWTP.
โ Refurbishment and taking in charge of the existing infrastructure at St Johns Pumping Station, Promenade Pumping Station and the respective rising/gravity mains to the Enniscorthy WWTP.
Design Build Works
โ The upgrade of the existing Enniscorthy Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) from existing 16 000 Population Equivalent (PE) to 30,000 PE.
โ The upgrade of the existing St Johns Pumping Station (PS) and the existing Promenade Pumping Station.
โ Review and upgrading of existing infrastructure. Operation and maintenance Works The Enniscorthy Sewerage Scheme Phase 3 - Contract 1 WWTP Upgrade also includes Operation and Maintenance works as follows:-
โ The interim operation and maintenance of the existing WWTP facilities for the duration of the Design Build Works.
This interim operation and maintenance shall also include the St Johns Pumping Station and Promenade Pumping Station during the Design Build Works.
โ Operation and maintenance of the completed facilities at the WWTP , St. Johns Pumping Station and Promendade Pumping Station from the completion of the Design Build Works for a 20 year Operation Service Period.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-11-12.
The procurement was published on 2013-10-01.
Procurement history
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Document |
Contract notice