DIT Campus at Grangegorman PPP - Contract Notice for DIT Campus at Grangegorman Central & East Quads PPP

National Development Finance Agency

Following on from the Prior Information Notice ('PIN') (RFT 75915), the National Development Finance Agency, acting for and on behalf of the Minister for Education and Skills, intends to procure the Dublin Institute of Technology ('DIT') Campus at Grangegorman Central & East Quads PPP (the 'Project') to design, build, finance and maintain 2 third level education buildings within the proposed DIT campus. It is expected that the Project will have an ex VAT capital value of the order of EUR 200 million in mid-2016 prices and will be procured under a single PPP contract using the negotiated procedure. The NDFA intends to include provisions within the contract and tender documents relating to the provision of social and/or community benefits, including in particular training and/or employment opportunities for unemployed construction operatives and related personnel, architects, engineers or technicians (as appropriate), facilities management operatives and related personnel, etc.
Further information is available in the PIN and Project Information Memorandum/Pre-Qualification Questionnaire document as attached to this notice on the Irish Government procurement website (www.etenders.gov.ie).

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-12-16. The procurement was published on 2013-10-31.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2013-10-31 Contract notice
2018-04-09 Contract award notice