Carrickphierish Campus Development, Waterford City
The Carrickphierish Campus Development is a joint project between the Department of Education and Skills (DoES) and Waterford City Council (WCC). The development consists of the construction of two sixteen classroom primary schools each with a special needs unit, a public library, shared general purpose hall and community facilities, on a 5 acre site, located in the townland of Carrickphierish, in the Northwest suburbs of Waterford City. The works include car parking, set-down, hard play and soft landscaped areas, boundary walls, railings, gates, an ESB substation and works outside the site including public footpaths, verges, street lighting and furniture etc.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-05-10.
The procurement was published on 2013-04-04.
Procurement history
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Contract notice