Bothar na dTreabh (N6) Multi - Modal Corridor Improvement Scheme - phase 6
Improvement works are proposed to the Bodkin roundabout and the section of the N6 Headford Road between the Bodkin and Kirwan roundabuts. The roundabout will be replaced by new traffic signalised junction and a new sigmalised junction will be provided onto the Headford Road. Works also include new sections of carriageway, footways and cycleways as well as associated signage, traffic signals and ancillary works.
Specifically the Contract is proposed to include the following:
(i) New signalised junction including new traffic signals at Bodkin roundabout and at existing Dun na Coiribe priority junction. At both locations facilities to allow future installation of UMTC, drainage, kerbing, lighting, surfacing, footpaths and cycletracks.
(ii) Planing and replacement of the existing surface course in the vicinity of the two junctions and construciton of alternative access road to Galway Shopping Centre.
(iii) Introduction of new signage and road markings along the carriageway as well as existing and proposed footpath and cycletracks.
(iv) Minor landscaping preparatory works in the vicinity of the existing roundabout.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-05-07.
The procurement was published on 2013-03-28.
Procurement history
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Contract notice