A158/3/1 - Construction of a new 8 classroom Gaelscoil Eadan Doire and a new 30 classroom Scoil Bhrรญde at Edenderry, Co. Offaly
Gaelscoil Eadan Doire: New single / two -storey primary school with a total internal floor area of 1,363 sq. m., to consist of 8 classrooms, a general purpose room, library, support accommodation and all ancillary works. Provision of 19 on-site car-parking spaces, vehicular access roads, set-down area, pedestrian access pathways, ball court, play area, bin store, bicycle shelters, oil storage tank, on-site foul drainage system, surface water attenuation, signage and landscaping as part of the overall site
development work on a site of circa. 1.264 hectares. Scoil Bhrรญde: New two-storey primary school with a total internal floor area of 4,876 sq. m., to consist of 30 classrooms including a 6 classroom Special Needs Unit, a general purpose room, libraries, support accommodation and all ancillary works. Provision of 70 on-site car-parking spaces, vehicular access roads, set-down area, pedestrian access pathways, ball courts, play areas, bin store, bicycle shelters, oil storage tank, on-site foul drainage system,
surface water attenuation, signage and landscaping as part of the overall site development works on a site area of circa. 2.085 hectares.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-10-18.
The procurement was published on 2013-08-30.
Procurement history
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Contract notice