1629 โ€“ Phased demolition of existing 2 schools, phased construction of new Primary School building at St. John's NS and St. Paul's SNS, Rathmullan, Drogheda

Board of Management, St Johns NS and St Pauls SNS

Works consists of the demolition of the existing school buildings and prefabricated accommodation at St. John's and St. Paul's in Rathmullan, Drogheda and the construction of a new 2 storey, 7 570 m combined school building for both schools. The new development consists of 44 classrooms, 4 general purpose rooms, a catering kitchen, dining hall and associated accommodation. Works will also consist of all associated site works including a new set down area, staff parking for 114 cars, hard and soft play areas, bus set down on Marley's Lane and Rathmullan Park and will also including foul and surface water connections to existing mains and surface water attenuation tanks below ground. New 2.5 m high boundaries consisting of a 600 mm high brick plinth and 1.9 m high railings are proposed along Marley's Lane and Rathmullan Park. Vehicular access will be provided from Marley's Lane only.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-08-27. The procurement was published on 2013-07-19.




Procurement history
Date Document
2013-07-19 Contract notice
2013-08-06 Additional information