13/021 - Design, Supply and Execution of Twynholm Metering System Upgrade

Bord Gais Eireann

Bord Gรกis wishes to enter into a contract for the design, procurement and construction of an upgrade to the existing metering system at Twynholm AGI. Tywnholm AGI is a border station on the Scotland to Northern Ireland Pipeline. The station has a design flow of 8.64MSCM/Day.
The contract will involve the following:
โ€” Act as design engineers for the project. Design to S/PM/G/17 design management procedure for the management of new works. Contract to include provision of independent auditor for S/PM/G/17 design approval.
โ€” Specify and Supply of all equipment including Ultra Sonic Meters, Flow computers and Gas Chromatographs.
โ€” Supply of Sample Probe, Bottle Rack Enclosure and Sample Letdown system for chromatograph analyser.
โ€” Supply temperature and pressure instruments for metering streams including Boiler Fuel gas meter.
โ€” Replace existing 10KVA 3-PH UPS
โ€” Build and test new metering control panels.
โ€” Organise refurbishment of 2 No. existing Turbine meters.
โ€” Organise high pressure calibration of entire meter streams by independent calibration house.
โ€” Carry out all site installation works including removal and disposal of old equipment.
โ€” Provide a Modbus based communications interface between the metering system and the BGN RTU and the PTL RTU.
โ€” System commissioning and handover including system documentation and operation procedures.
โ€” Metering design and implementation will be validated by a independent metering system auditor in accordance with S/PM/GQ/8 (Procedures for the validation of equipment associated with the calculation of mass, Volume and energy rate of Gas) Bord Gรกis will hire the auditor.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-05-08. The procurement was published on 2013-04-02.



Procurement history
Date Document
2013-04-02 Contract notice