Provision of coordination services to the enterprise Ireland mentor network programme
Enterprise Ireland (EI) wishes to establish a single-supplier framework agreement to provide mentor Coordination Services to our mentor network programme.
Therefore, Enterprise Ireland seeks expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced service providers to act as coordinators (up to a maximum of four, per lot)) for its network of 300+ senior business people who volunteer to help start up and established Irish companies to grow under the Enterprise Ireland mentor network programme. The coordinators will be required to ensure the effective management of the mentor panel and carry out matching of mentors to companies. It is envisaged the contract(s) will operate for up to a maximum period of four years, with the option for renewal on an annual basis, subject to satisfactory supplier performance reviews and budgetary constraints.
Each Coordinator will have a national, sectoral and regional responsibility. Applicants will be required to indicate the Lot/Lots for which they wish to be considered:
Lot 1 Software, Mid East; Midlands regions.
Lot 2 Internationally traded services, Mid East; Midlands regions.
Lot 3 Food and Industrial Products, South / South East regions.
Lot 4 Cleantech, Lifesciences and Retail Consumer, Mid West, West and Border Regions.
Applicants should note that the sectors and regions outlined above are guideline sectors and regions only and that the final appointments may incorporate a different regional / national / sectoral balance. It is envisaged the service will commence in October 2012.
Note: this process refers to the provision of a service to Enterprise Ireland and will not lead to a contract of employment within Enterprise Ireland.
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-07-19.
The procurement was published on 2012-06-19.
Procurement history
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Contract notice