Point of care testing blood gas analysers

St James's Hospital

The Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory at St Jamesโ€™ Hospital currently provides a comprehensive diagnostic and clinical laboratory service to its users. Part of that remit is the provision of POCT (Point of Care Testing) service throughout the hospital for a range of different clinical specialties. In order to accommodate increased workloads and to improve clinical and cost effectiveness, the laboratory has a need to upgrade its current POCT system for blood gases, electrolytes and metabolic markers.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=506352.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-11-01. The procurement was published on 2012-09-19.



Procurement history
Date Document
2012-09-19 Contract notice