Narrow Water Bridge - PreQualification Questionnaire - Main Contract - Restricted Procedure
The proposed Narrow Water Bridge crosses the Newry.
River approximately 400m south of the Narrow Water Keep.
The bridge, which connects the R173 Omeath Road south of Ferry Hill and the A2 dual carriageway at the existing roundabout, is situated approximately 1km and 2km north of Warrenpoint and Omeath, respectively. The structure will provide road, pedestrian and cycle access. Due to the navigational requirements along the river for accessing.
Victoria Lock and the Albert Basin, the northern span of the bridge will be an opening movable span providing, when opened, an unlimited vertical clearance for at least a 20m wide navigational channel.
The structure is a two span cable stayed bridge with an asymmetric arrangement. The south span is approx 138.35 m and the north span is approx 56.8 m giving a total length of approx 195m.
The cable stay system is provided by two towers located over each abutment. The towers have no back stays.
The asymmetry of the span is reflected on each tower height, while the south tower is approx 84m high, the north tower is only 32m high.
The proposed materials are a steel orthotropic deck for both the fixed and movable spans and steel-concrete composite towers.
A control building is required to facilitate the opening of the bridge.
The proposed bridge obstructs the navigational beacon situated near Ferry Hill and therefore, interferes with the operation of the leading lights. A new reinforced concrete tower will be constructed downstream of the proposed bridge as a replacement navigational beacon.
The main elements of the contract are as follows:
โ Site set up, site clearance, fencing,
โ Roadworks, service diversions, culvert construction,
โ Attenuation / pollution control pond, construction of maintenance and control buildings,
โ Design and Installation of mechanical and electrical equipment for opening span,
โ Provision of traffic management system for construction / reconstruction of road,
โ Const.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-12-18.
The procurement was published on 2012-11-16.
Procurement history
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Contract notice